The Unforgiven Read online

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“Wasn’t sure what you wanted and as much as I love you, I can’t be just another tool. I’m done with that.”

  “I’m sorry about that. It seems to be a touchy subject with men.” She gave him an apologetic smile. “This…you and me…is a great thing, we are definitely meant to be. I lost hope after—” She caught herself.

  “After Raef died? You never tried for a child with him?”

  “I didn’t try to prevent it, it just didn’t happen. I used protection with every man until him. I thought maybe my childbearing years were over.”

  “You’re a bit young for that.”

  “I guess. Many women have children in their forties. There are several among that age group still breeding in the village. I’m only forty-one. I figured maybe my harsh training and physical life just messed up my ability to conceive somehow.”

  “Maybe it just took the right man.” He gave her a wink.

  She smiled. “Apparently so, Mister Confident.”

  “I’m not as cocky as you think.”

  “You’re wondering if I wish this was Raef’s child instead of yours.”

  “You channel my thoughts too easily these days.”

  “Perhaps you wanted me to.” She arched one brow, then leaned into him. “And no, I am thrilled that I’m carrying your child. You are the only man strong enough to be my mate.” She was surprised that he’d actually revealed a humble side, something she didn’t think possible for the imposing Satellite. My Satellite, she thought with deep affection. Nobody can take him from me…not even the evil realm. “Will our child be immortal? What will happen when I grow old and you don’t?”

  “Maybe that, pretty baby, is why we must find the key.”

  “You know about the key? What is this key everyone keeps mentioning?”

  “Raef knew about it. Coop knew about it. Seems both spirit realms know about it. This key obviously has something to do with you and that horse Raef mentioned.”

  Her thoughts flashed back to Von delivering a message from Raef right after his death. Paloma carries the key. She couldn’t imagine what her mother’s rare horse had to do with anything related to the spiritual rulers.

  “What do you think it is?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m picking up vibes from the realms. I have a feeling this key has a lot do with your future, especially now.”

  “Then take me home, baby. Maybe that is why the Supreme Lioness has summoned me.”

  Chapter Four

  “How are you feeling?” Von asked after they stashed his bike in the woods. “No travel sickness?”

  “None. I feel great.” She gave him a confident smile. Her first immortal trip with him had been a freakish ride at warp speed through strange darkness. They had gone from LA to Shamrock, Texas in record time. “How do you do that?”

  “When you’re immortal, everything is about energy. The physical sense is no longer a hindrance. Every sense is heightened—sight, smell, taste—touch.” He grinned. “I hear things mortals cannot, like when I heard Raef speaking from the void.”

  “You hear other spirits?”

  “Only if they want me to.”

  She laid a hand over her stomach, still awed by their conception. “Can you hear her?”

  A warm expression fell over his face. She saw the deep love shining in his eyes and felt his elevated protectiveness over her.

  “No, babe, she’s listening to her mama right now. You are her most important connection.”

  Flame quickly brushed a tear from her cheek and smiled. “Thank you for that…thank you for her. I’m so in love with you, Von.”

  He swept her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “We had a deal. You were supposed to find my heart and I swore I’d heal yours.”

  She looked up at his ruggedly handsome face. “Yes, I remember. The day I received this necklace and we shared our first blood-bond.”

  “Still worried about history repeating itself?”

  “Not with you. We are rewriting history.”

  “It’s almost sundown, should we head to your village?”

  “Yeah. I can’t wait to introduce you to the Supreme Lioness. She’ll be so pleased to have you on our side.” Flame slanted him a knowing look and smiled with a slight shake of her head. “All that time, you never were the bad guy.”

  “Finally,” he said with a laugh. “Sure took you long enough.”

  She gave him a playful swat. “C’mon, you’re still a scoundrel—but that’s part of the thrill.”

  They hiked hand-in-hand, deep into the woods that led to her covert nation of women, a sisterhood of select females with special talents and skills. She wondered if Von would be as enthralled as Raef had been over their rare hybrid crops, trees, and horses. She doubted he’d reveal much emotion. A man of his stature had most likely seen pretty much everything.

  When they reached the massive trees that had grown together and formed an impassible wall, Flame placed two fingers at the corners of her mouth and gave a low whistle.

  “Whoa, a horse?” Von blinked in obvious surprise when a majestic white stallion galloped up to them.

  “This is Odyssey. He was born of my mother’s mare, Paloma, the one Raef mentioned.”

  “I take it Raef has been here?”

  “Ah, you actually have a little jealousy. Human emotions suck, don’t they?”

  “You really are a sadist,” he teased with a wry grin.

  “Yes, Raef was here once. That is how he met…never mind.” She shook it off. “Raef never knew about Paloma, though, nobody outside of the village knows of our rare horses. That is how I knew you had to be telling the truth. There was no way Raef could’ve mentioned her name, I never told him or introduced him to the herd.”

  Von reached out to stroke Odyssey’s forehead. “What’s so rare about them?”

  “I’ll tell you once we are inside the confines of the village.” With an easy hop, she pulled herself onto Odyssey’s back. He bobbed his head, tossing his silky white mane. “You get to ride behind me this time.” She motioned for Von to mount up.

  “Gorgeous horse,” he muttered while swinging on behind her. “I’ve never seen this side of you.”

  “Nature is the one place I can be myself. I spent all of my spare time with the herd while growing up. My training was harsh. Sai Masters have little tolerance for mistakes and zero tolerance for anything less than one hundred percent effort. Between sessions, I would walk down to the lower meadows and hang out with the horses.”

  “Your soft side is as enchanting as the warrior,” he said low and soft from behind. “I hope that you will not withhold it from me now that you’ve allowed me to feel it.”

  “I’ll do my best.” She clucked softly to her steed. He merged into the thick wall of trees and supernaturally transported them to the other side. The process always amazed her—merging through solid objects while on his back reminded her of how she could travel immortally with Von. Strange worlds, she mused.

  Von cast a quick glance around once inside the village. “How is it that you can pass through a solid wall as mortal?”

  “By using the laws of the universe. Whatever I attach myself to can extend its energy to me. I can then absorb gifts from that being, as I do with you. Paloma was my mother’s horse. As her only heir, I received her when my mother died. Our team of lab techs created an advanced gene. They used it on Paloma first because she was very old and her time on earth was about to end. The genetic experiment worked and made Paloma immortal.” Flame shielded her eyes from the setting sun to scan the pastures. “I don’t see her, or I’d point her out. She must be in another field.”

  “Now I understand Twilight’s obsession with your sisterhood. You have some serious talent living here.”

  “Yes, we do. Odyssey is Paloma’s only offspring. Miraculously, she passed on the rare gene to him. He is immortal, too, and the only way in and out of Celestial Village. He also belongs to me. The Supreme Lioness gave him to me as a graduation gift even though
I had to leave the village.”

  “Why did you have to leave?”

  “Long story.” She slid off the stallion’s back and pulled Von with her. “I’ll introduce you to Phoebe. She’s the youngest queen ever to reign.” After feeding Odyssey raw sugar from her hand, she watched him gallop away. “I knew she was slated as the next queen if Naami didn’t birth a daughter soon, but Naami’s indiscretions disgraced her bloodline.”

  “A foolish woman to tangle with you.”

  “Oh, it’s not about Raef. Though her sneaky seduction was unethical, it was not a crime. We are schooled in the art of seduction, taught to take what we need from men if doing so will benefit our nation.”

  “Really? So any of these women will consider me fair game?”

  “No, no, no. Not you. We are bound. I dare another woman to even think about making a play for you. I will strike her down.”

  “You’re losing me. Why wasn’t it a crime for Naami to go after Raef then?”

  She turned from admiring the horses to stare up at Von. “We were not bound.”

  “Bound? As in married?”

  “No, we do not endorse mortal rituals. They are shallow and too easily shattered. When a woman of our race binds herself to a man, she does it privately…intimately.” Reaching up, she touched his face with one hand. “Last night…”

  He spoke in a soft, calm voice. “You and Raef weren’t bound?”

  “No. I loved him, but he didn’t invoke those feelings in me as you do. We had just started discussing children the day he got killed.”

  “I see.”

  “I didn’t have to discuss it with you.” She traced his lips with her fingertip. “You just took the lead.”

  “That’s who I am. Not one for talking when I can take action.”

  “And that is what sets you apart from all other men. No wavering, you know what you want and go for it. I love that you removed the decision from my hands. Walking alone grows weary after a while.”

  “Yeah, it sure as hell does.”

  “You claimed me as your life mate last night.”


  “In the same respect, I bound myself to you in my world.”

  “I’m pretty sure our worlds are the same now, sugar.”

  “Yeah, I guess so,” she said with a light laugh. “After all, you’re here.”

  He slid both hands into the thick of her hair and lowered his head. She sighed as his lips touched hers several times before covering her mouth for a soul-stirring kiss. As they eased apart, his tongue flitted between her lips. She returned the tantalizing act, luring them into another passionate kiss with intimate tongue play.

  She pulled away and gasped for breath. “We have to stop. I have no self-control around you.”

  He nodded with heavy eyes. “After you take care of business then?”

  “Yeah.” Her finger traced his lips. He playfully nipped at it, interrupting the intense moment, and making her smile.

  They held hands, lacing their fingers together as they strolled through the village. She felt him making an astute observation of this unusual dwelling area. Clear skies sprayed with twinkling stars gave way to a bright moon. Silvery light glistened on the golden brick of the domed huts of the residential area of their colony. Flame led him to the main house and through the crystal doors. Von remained a quiet spectator as they wound their way up a long spiral staircase to the Royal Hall, where the reigning queen spent most of her time.

  “Lions?” Von arched one brow. “Are they immortal as well?”

  She knelt on one knee to stroke their luxurious golden fur. “Actually they are lionesses, and yes, they are another successful product of our gifted scientists.”

  “I’m impressed.”

  “Bellamia, Bellamocha, let Phoebe know she has company,” Flame murmured to the large golden-haired cats. They merged through the wall and disappeared. “They are guardians of this house. They will eat anyone not invited in.”

  “No doubt they favor men as their meal?” He arched both brows.

  She gave a little laugh. “Gives new meaning to man-eater, doesn’t it?”

  “Definitely.” Von looked down at her in open adoration. “I’m not one to gush, but I want you to know how much I appreciate your trust.”

  She stood up and hugged him. “You earned it.”

  Huge double doors swung open and a petite young woman with flaming red hair and big blue eyes greeted them with a genuine smile. Flame bowed at the waist. Von nodded politely.

  “Please, do not bow,” Phoebe said. “I should be the one who bows. You are the most esteemed warrior in history. I am honored to be in your presence.”

  “Thank you.” Flame motioned toward Von. “Phoebe, this is Von Calder. He fought fearlessly at my side and helped me win the war.”

  “Come in, I am very excited to have this honor.”

  They entered the chamber and sat with Phoebe on a plush fur rug. Von seemed surprisingly at ease in her world. Flame inched closer to him.

  “You got here much quicker than I expected.” Phoebe offered them flavored bottled water. “Were you close by when I sent the message?”

  “No, we were in LA. My traveling companion has many talents.” Flame couldn’t withhold a proud grin.

  A cute blush crept onto the young queen’s cheeks. “Of course.”

  “How are you managing? I know you were not supposed to take the throne quite so soon.”

  “The Supreme Lioness has been very patient and kind. I think I’m holding things together well enough. Naami has commanded quite a bit of my time.”

  “I can imagine. Has the council discussed her fate?”

  “Yes.” Phoebe stood up and closed the doors, then returned to the rug and sat down. “I can tell you of her sentence, but the Lioness asked me to let her speak with you on other matters.”

  “I am well aware that her seduction of Raef is not a criminal act in our nation. However, has she been charged for the crimes of stealing from the lab and illegally obtaining private information?”

  “Charged and convicted—the council did not waste time in dealing with her treachery.”

  “Good. What is her sentence?”

  “Her memory of the village has been stripped and she is banished from the sisterhood.”

  “Wait…the doctors stripped her memory? Banishment is only used in extreme situations. What of Naami’s pregnancy?”

  “I am sorry, but those are the matters the Lioness wishes to discuss with you. I have been sworn into secrecy by Her Highness.”

  “I completely understand, don’t worry.” Flame let out a casual laugh. “Nobody wants to incur her wrath. But by the look in your pretty blue eyes, I am guessing that Naami has already done so.”

  “They said you were intuitive. How does one guard her thoughts against such a strong warrior?”

  “It’s not any weakness of your own, so do not feel bad. I have shared a blood-bond with Von and we are channeling each other’s powers.”

  “Fascinating.” Phoebe stared at her as if reaching.

  “Is there something else on your mind?”

  She jerked upright as if caught off guard. “Oh—I—no, I’m sorry for staring. I’m just so thrilled to meet you. I’ve seen you in the village on occasion. I’m very sorry about your friend, Raef. You made a striking couple. I thought he would be your soul mate.”

  Flame did her best to cover an awkward moment. “Thank you, but we were not meant to be. I really struggled with everything concerning Raef, especially his untimely death. Nothing hurts more than knowing the last woman your boyfriend slept with before he died was not you.”

  “Still, you loved him.”

  “Yes…and I grieved him. I didn’t think I could go on after Cooper killed him. Somewhere in that darkness, Von pulled me out.” A flashback of her disturbing nightmare swooped into her mind without warning. “On my god,” she muttered. “Raef was the only one not in the dream.” She turned to Von. “You were there t
he entire time. I saw the haunting mist with those cold black eyes. I watched Hatch throw himself into the sulfur pit. You told me I couldn’t have him but I thought you meant I couldn’t have Hatch, which made no sense at the time. It was Raef I couldn’t have.” She gasped as the revelation of that night terror unveiled itself. “I remember Ian’s rage in the dream, then I was falling. Ian threw me into the pit. But you’re the one who saved me…Ian had every intention of handing me over to the evil realm but you stopped him, didn’t you?”

  Von’s expression was soft. “Yeah, I told you that I could never hurt you.”

  “How did you stop him?”

  He cast a guarded glance toward Phoebe, then as if he’d discerned her integrity, he continued. “Remember when I gave you a ride back to Raef’s and I felt a powerful aura in his house?”

  “Yes, you mentioned innocent blood.”

  “Ian was just a tool. Twilight never gave him power. He was sent back with me to prove his worth by making sure I didn’t fail again. If he had succeeded, then the realm would’ve rewarded him with talents. Ian was no match for me. I lured him into Raef’s house and compelled him under the power of innocent blood.”

  “You trapped Ian in the house?”

  “I couldn’t let him run loose and get in my way. I had already broken the mind control Twilight had over me. I wasn’t about to let an amateur ghost stop me from saving you.”

  “You could’ve told me.”

  He placed a gentle finger under her chin, staring intently. “No, I couldn’t. You were locked in your own personal hell. Twilight was desperately fighting its way into your head.”

  “Everything you did or didn’t do was to protect me.” Tears misted her eyes. She fought them back. Her new queen did not need to see her cry.

  “Always, babe.”

  “Wow,” Phoebe said with a soft sigh. “I’ve never seen any man look at a woman the way he looks at you.”

  Flame drew a quick breath to compose herself. “I’m very sorry for getting off track there. I didn’t mean to drift.”

  “Are you kidding me? I’m the luckiest queen ever, to witness such a powerful exchange. You two are awesome.” Her eyes were wide with wonder. “The energy coming off the two of you is unbelievable. I have chills just watching and listening to the way he speaks to you.”